- Client :
- Term :
- 2021-
- Works :
- BrandingPackage/ProductsGraphics
- Award :
- 日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 2023 入選(JTA)
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Package
ヒアリングを進めるうち、他社と相似のない唯一無二の“織り“が浮かび上がってきた。強みであり且つ当社の理念や企業姿勢をも内包していると感じ、デザインのキーとした。パッケージには旧式織機から生まれる多様な織模様を単一線で図案化し取り入れた。また、商品説明についてはその記載方法を制御しながらも明確に記載し、店頭や商品単体でも機能するパッケージを目指した。ファクトリーブランドとしての謙虚で実直な姿勢と、アパレルブランドとしての感度や上質さとのバランスに注力した。また、母体ブランドである「kobo oriza」の製品カタログでは、カタログ自体が纏う空気感で、ブランドのコンセプトや意識を表現できるよう、デザインや写真のトーン、配置、仕様等の設計を進めた。単なる製品紹介に留まらず、暮らしに根ざしながらも、凛とした存在感を放つ商品であることを表現した。
The factory KOBO ORIZA Co., LTD., residing in mountainous region with rich nature in Imabari, Ehime, has continued to produce items made of woven fabric, such as stales and caps with unique weaves. We received a request from them for creation of a total branding that embodies the truly distinctive characteristics and stance of their brand. Our work started from looking at concepts behind their products.
As our talks with them deepened, their absolutely unique ‘weave’ became uncovered. We decided to make use of the weave as the key to the visual as not only it is their strength but also entails the company’s philosophy and corporate attitude. For the packages we introduced a design with a single line that represents distinctive patterns created by an old type weaving machine. The description of the item is clearly shown with the simple and controlled layout. Our goal was a functional packaging which helps the individual items to stand out and they can be recognised easily in shops. Our focus was also on finding a balance between their company activities with due humility as a factory brand, and honest and straightforward approach as an apparel brand. For the product catalogue of their original brand kobo oriza, the design, tone of images, layout, and specification were decided so the atmosphere of the whole catalogue itself could convey the brand’s concept and spirit. It not only works as introductions of the products but brings out the products’ elegance and sincerity.
‘The possibilities of weaving are endless.’ With our designs, we incorporated the factory’s diligence and sincerity to keep offering high quality fabric that can be brought naturally into our everyday lives.