Hamano Nobuko
- Client :
- Hamano Nobuko
- Term :
- 2018
- Works :
- Graphics
- Envelope
- Envelope
- Letterpaper
- Postcard
香川を拠点に国内外で活動を行う美術家 濱野暢子氏の個人用ツール。百合の花びらをモチーフに、生と死を表現する濱野氏。その女性的でありながらも力強く、繊細なラインによるアートワークを活かしながら、各ツールの全体設計に取り掛かった。同氏のアートワークを主題に据えながら、それ以外の要素は極力集約・排除することで、主題を引き立たせる構図・構成とした。また、各紙面を立体的な視点で捉えることで、紙面内に収まらない規格を取り払った表現を目指した。
This project is to create, personalised promotional products for Nobuko Hamano, an internationally active artist based in Kagawa. She expresses the life and death using lily petals as the motif of her work. The starting point of this project was to plan the final design and we made the most of the lines of her artworks that are both feminine yet robust and delicate at the same time with the designs. Putting her works central to the designs, the structure and layout to highlight her work itself by removing or summarising all other elements as much as possible. Furthermore, by grasping the surface of paper three-dimensionally we wanted to achieve expressions going beyond the standardised or stereotypical usage of the two-dimensional space.
It was desired that the simple paper products such as an envelope, postcard and letterhead would resonate with her philosophy.