Wa no Contemporary
- Client :
- Wa no Contemporary
- Term :
- 2017
- Works :
- GraphicsSpace
- Flyer
- Flyer
- Poster
- Flyer
- Flyer
- Sign
- Sign
香川県高松市を拠点に活動する芸術団体「wa no contemporary(和のコンテンポラリー)」。アートを通して日本人としてのアイデンティティと伝統を象徴する「和」を、現代的な視点や表現で世界に発信している。
Wa no Contemporary is an artist group based in Takamatsu, Kagawa. They present the spirit of Wa, the symbol of tradition and our identity as Japanese to the world with contemporary perspectives through art.
They hold an exhibition and workshop every year in order to promote the vision. We have been involved with the project by providing designs for promotional tools. We consider global designs which match the theme of each event with the underlying theme of wa, the Japanese sense of harmony. It is our hope as designers for their activities to be widely recognized, overcoming the language barrier.