- Client :
- Term :
- 2020
- Works :
- BrandingCi/Vi/BiPackage/ProductsGraphicsSpace
- Logo
- Shopcard
- Leaflet
- Package
- Shopper
- Sign
- Sign
- Sign
穏やかに流れる時間に身を委ねて、ひとり静かに自分と向き合う。異文化に好奇心を満たされながら、ともに語らう場を愉しむ———文化を架け、時代を越えて愛されるスコーンとグラノーラの専門店「SALON dé MARPLE(サロン・ド・マープル)」。
Letting yourself to the gentle flow of time, you can quietly face yourself alone. With your curiousity being satisfied by different cultures, you can enjoy conversations —
SALON dé MARPLE specialises scones and granola which have been loved timelessly over the time irrespective of cultural differences.
The underlying concept is Old England. At the launch of the shop, we slowly and carefully tried to extract the essence of the way of life of Old England and the owner’s thoughts and feeling of the olden days summarised into a logo. The motif of the logo, a round window with surface lattice symbolises a drawing room or a salon. The quintessential form conveys the essence of craftsmanship, handmade and workshop feelings. Also, the choice of salmon pink for the background colour adds femininity and softness that resonate with the structured design. We designed all the promotional tools including packages for gift and shop signs, based on the same view of the world.