Shisen no Mon

Client :
Shisen no Mon
Term :
Works :
  • 画像:Ci/Vi/Bi
  • 画像:Ci/Vi/Bi

自然の恵みを素材のままに美味しく、楽しく、美しく食し、健康を保つ。「医食同源」をテーマに、地産地消、旬産旬消の食材を薬膳や漢方の知識で活かし提供する本格中国料理店「四川之門(Shisen no Mon)」。歴史ある松山城下に位置し、また近隣には県都松山の中心街である「大街道」もあり、国内外からの観光客で賑わい、様々な文化、交流の結節点となっている。そうした感度が高く、歴史的な立地にある料理店であることを、松山城の石垣をモチーフとしたロゴマークで表現している。また店名の頭文字である「四」を石垣を用いて静かに内包させており、筆文字調のロゴタイプと併せ、医食同源の文脈に即したアカデミックで品格あるトーンに仕上げた。


Eat nature’s bounty deliciously, pleasantly and beautifully as it is, and stay healthy. In the spirit of ‘food is medicine’, the authentic Chinese restaurant ‘Shisen no Mon’ offers locally produced and seasonally available ingredients with a good knowledge of medicinal herbs and Chinese medicine. Located below the historic Matsuyama Castle and with the nearby ‘Okaido’, the main street of the prefectural capital of Matsuyama, it is a busy hub for tourists from home and abroad, and a crossroads for various cultures and exchanges. The restaurant’s location in such a sensitive and historic place is expressed in the logo, which is based on the stone walls of the castle. The first letter of the restaurant’s name, ‘ (four)’, is discreetly encapsulated in the shape of the stone wall. Together with the calligraphy-style logotype, it creates an academic and dignified tone, in keeping with the context of the medical and culinary tradition.

At this meeting point of history and food, a Chinese restaurant has been created that offers a quality approach to both body and soul.