- Client :
- Term :
- 2024
- Works :
- BrandingCi/Vi/BiPackage/ProductsGraphics
- Ci/Vi/Bi
- Landscape
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Package
- Keaflet
- Package
約2000年前より稲作が行われてきた愛媛県南部の山間に位置する西予市宇和町。標高250mの宇和盆地が生み出す朝晩の寒暖差と山から吹き降ろす颪(おろし)、南北を貫く清流岩瀬川という恵まれた地で「OTSUKA FARM」は、独自ブランド米“岩瀬川清流米(IWASE RIVER RICE)“の生産を行なっている。これまでもオリジナル包材を使用していたが、一層当地の空気感を纏ったパッケージとするため新たにロゴマークを制作し、パッケージのリニューアルをはじめ、魅力を伝えるリーフレット等一貫してブランド構築に携わった。
「安心・安全・美味しい」お米を提供するために、一作業一工程に丁寧に向き合い、工夫し、米づくりを続けるOTSUKA FARM。当地の魅力を存分に吸い込んだ岩瀬川清流米は、連綿と続く自然、伝統、記憶を受け継ぎ、次代へと紡がれている。
Uwa-cho, Seiyo City, is located in the mountains of southern Ehime Prefecture, where rice has been grown for some 2,000 years. In the blessed land of the Uwa Basin at an altitude of 250 metres, combined with the difference in temperature between morning and evening, the wind blowing down from the mountains and the clear Iwase River running north and south, OTSUKA FARM produces its own brand of rice, IWASE RIVER RICE. The company had been using their original packaging materials, but we have been involved in consistent brand building by renewing the packaging and leaflet, conveying the appeal of the product with a new logo that carries the atmosphere of the local area.
The packaging incorporates the newly created logo, whose design is based on the ridge line of Mt. Obansan, which is a characteristic of the brand. In addition, by symbolically incorporating the concept of the rice in English as part of the design, we have created a tone that conveys reliability, history and the passage of time, as well as quality and delicacy. In addition to the traditional target groups and the newly attracted highly sensitive consumers, we aimed to create a packaging design that would be appreciated as a gift. The design was created to fit in with everyday scenes, while carefully conveying the functionality and originality that are characteristic of their rice.
In order to provide ‘safe, secure and tasty’ product, OTSUKA FARM will continue to produce rice by paying close attention to each process and developing ingenuity. IWASE RIVER RICE, absorbing the inherited charm of the area: nature, traditions and memories, will be handed down to the next generation to the fullest.