- Client :
- 10,locus
- Term :
- 2017 / 2021
- Works :
- BrandingCi/Vi/BiPackage/ProductsGraphicsWebSpace
- Logo
- Shopcard
- Postcard
- Business card
- Tag
- Shopper
- Shopper
- Shopper
- Sign
- Sign
「日常の普遍性と特別感」をコンセプトにした、国内外のハイブランドを取り扱うセレクトショップ「10,locus(テン ローカス)」。2021年の移転を機に、一層コンセプチュアルなショップへとリニューアルした。
店名は放物線の軌跡(locus)に由来する。そこで数学の座標記号「( , )」をモチーフにロゴマークを設計。それは未来への点であり、また同時に点の集合は軌跡を意味している。“座標“には図らずも英表記で「coordinate(コーディネート)」であることが分かり、業態との深い繋がりを感じさせた。
10,locus is a select shop which handles high end fashion from in and out of country under the concept of ‘the universality of everyday life that gives something special’. The shop moved into a new building in 2021. Taking this opportunity, the boutique underwent a change into an even more conceptual shop.
The name of the shop derived from the Latin word locus, meaning place or location. We created a logo combining the Latin word and the mathematical coordinate symbol ‘, (comma)’. The dot leads us to the future, and group of dots form a path or ‘locus’. We cannot help but feel an interesting connection between the term ‘coordinate’ symbol, and the role of boutiques to ‘coordinate’ fashion for people.
For the promotional tools, coordinate axes are applied because of the mathematic aspect of the shop concept. The lines not only compliment the intension of the logo but also add originality to the design. Coordinate axes provide an equation to the series of designs, from the shop card, shopping bag and shop signs to the website.