- Client :
- Term :
- 2023-
- Works :
- BrandingCi/Vi/BiGraphicsWeb
- Ci/Vi/Bi
- Ci/Vi/Bi
- Business Card
- Brand Book
- Brand Book
- DM
- Envelope
- Envelope
- Sign
香川 三豊にて住宅の設計から店舗デザイン、リノベーション住宅から施設設計まで、多様な分野のプロフェッショナルが揃うデザイン工務店「YAEWORKS」。企業全体のブランド統一を目的に、ロゴマークから各種コーポレートツール、サイン、WEBサイトデザイン等一貫して携わった。
ネーミングのフックとなっている「YAE」には、四国特有の文化である四国八十八ヶ所、重なり合う8(八重)など、人・もの・ことなど様々なものが重なり合う拠点となる想いが込められている。ロゴマークでは、そうした独自性のある社名を、空間や場所、位置などを表す座標記号「( )」を用いて表現。建築業であることを記号的に表現しながら、専門性の高さを感じさせるロゴマークとし、地域らしさとグローバル性を両立させたグローカルデザインを目指した。各ツールやサインにおいても当社独自の空気感が残るよう余白を活かした構成とした。
‘YAEWORKS’ is a design and construction company in Mitoyo City, Kagawa with a team of professionals in a variety of fields, from housing and store design to renovations and facility design. For the purpose of developing an integrated brand image for the entire company, we have been involved with the design of the logo, various corporate tools, signs, and website.
The word ‘YAE,’ (八重), the key to the naming of the company, represents the state of being eightfold and the 88 Temples of Shikoku Pilgrimage, which is a culture unique to Shikoku. The name embodies the company’s wish to become a meeting place for various things such as people, resources to come together. The logo expresses the uniqueness of their name, using the bracket symbol ‘( )’ which also represents space, location, position, etc. While symbolically expressing the industry they belong to, we gave the logo the feel of the high level of expertise. We also aimed for a glocal design that strikes a balance between globality and regionality of the company. With the other cooperate tools and signs, we also made sure to maximise the potential of the empty space around it so that the company’s novel presence can be felt.
Each sizable element of ‘architecture’ is the essence for designs. Different pieces connected together eventually makes up a city. Having these ideas in their mind, their activities and honest approaches to people and the city through architecture have continuously been expanding.