- Client :
- Term :
- 2023
- Works :
- Package/ProductsGraphics
- Label
- Package
- Package
- Tag
愛媛 松山にてフラワーコーディネートを行なっている「5works.」。フードコーディネーター、テーブルコーディネーターを経て、独自の感性を宿したフラワーコーディネートを行なっている。
‘5works.’, based in Matsuyama, Ehime, specialises in flower arrangements. After working as a food coordinator and table coordinator, the client moved on to floral arrangement with her unique sensibility.
5works. does not have an actual shop, and all her products are custom-made. Through interviews with her clients, she identifies elements that cannot be put into words and expresses them through the arrangement of flowers. We have created various promotional tools that enhances such attitudes and character of hers. In contrast to the glamorous image of flowers, she has the air of a modest craftsman. The design we have created symbolises her acute sensibility combined with her determination and introspective attitude. We paid meticulous attention to let the client’s character and sensibility naturally reside in the design, avoiding any direct expressions. The minimal materials used in the wrapping, devoid of flashiness, draw out the grace of plants and flowers, and demonstrate the essence and airiness embodied in what she creates.